It’s Getting Hot In Here


I am always searching for ways to integrate new healthy practices into my workout routine. I began attending warm yoga classes a few months ago and thought I would share some of my thoughts, tips and tricks.

I will firstly say that it is important to know your body before beginning any workout routine. I am actually often encouraged by how often my instructor personally reminds us on most poses; since my class is rather generalized, to listen to our body and to find the balance when it comes to challenging ourselves and stretching versus pain.  

My Experience
My first experience was a little intimidating since I did not know what exactly to expect – and I won’t lie I did some research and asked friends on how to prep for it (a few tips I found useful and will share later). I had previously taken a fusion of yoga and pilates at a community centre with my mom last year so some of the poses were familiar to me -  but unfortunately that class was held in a big open (and often cold) gym and I just did not feel I was getting the full benefits. I was intrigued by warm yoga not only because I do much prefer being warm to cold but also because from what I heard the room would be dimly lit and therefore much easier to focus my energy and be less aware of those around me and their own practices.

I was lucky enough to have a very good friend of mine jump on board to attend the first class (and luckily she’s stuck it out with me ever since - class after class -  thanks Jenna :) ). Upon arrival we headed straight for the Hot Yoga room - the room itself is windowless, mirrored on one side and dimly lit by an electric fireplace. We arrived early so we could scout out our spots. I noticed immediately that sense you get when you step out into heavy hot air where you take a minute to catch your breath. Do not underestimate the heat and do not be afraid of it. We laid out our mats and placed our towels & water bottles beside us (more on those specifics later). My best advice here is to take some time to get comfortable on your mat and just embrace the heat. Take some deep breathes and close your eyes until the class begins. You will be amazed at how much stress can be melted away in these moments.

Our instructor from our first class and throughout has been wonderful. He mixes up routines and suggests different levels for poses as we work through a full body workout. Always staying aware of the temperature and reminding us to check in with our bodies. Over the weeks of practices I have come to love it more and more. It’s actually quite addictive – a combination of both energy and calm.

While this practice seems individualized it is also one of the most supportive experiences I have had. The energy is so positive. Everyone there just always seems very centered and calmly focused. While our instructor always reassures us with a “good work” after some difficult poses or transitions. I even thoroughly enjoy the little lessons we get as to what certain terms mean and how we set intentions at the beginning of our practices and then come full circle with well wishes at the end of it.

At the end of class as I lay on the floor I can honestly say that I feel fantastic. My body feels relaxed, well stretched and usually more sweaty then I care to admit (but in a good way – I Promise).

After a night at warm yoga – my mind feels clearer, my body healthier, I generally sleep better and wake up feeling more fit than most other exercises without the pain.

Benefits of Warm Yoga

· Detoxification – the sweat produced during yoga practice is shown to help flush toxins out of your skin.

· Increased flexibility and strength – due to the heat your heart rate does become elevated which allows for a cardiovascular workout while also allowing your body to stretch more deeply into postures with your muscles already warmed up.

· Better Concentration – with stable breathing and focused movements your mind develops focused energy

Always be mindful of your body – I cannot stress this enough. Make sure you are listening to your body and not over stretching or putting yourself in a position to injure yourself.  Also, be aware of how your body responds to the heat itself. If you are feeling light headed take a sip of water or take a break. If you can’t hold a pose any longer simply be careful releasing yourself from it and rest. There is no competition when it comes to yoga - only your own practice, your own body and your own time. So relax and enjoy.

Warm / Hot Yoga Do’s

Make sure that if you are attending a warm or hot yoga class in the morning that you are hydrating the day before -  if you are attending after work or at night make sure you are eating and drinking enough to give you proper energy and stay hydrated.

Eat & Drink
It is important to stay hydrated especially when doing an exercise that has you working up a sweat. Make sure to drink water throughout the day or even indulge water-rich fruits during the day. Also, make sure you take a water bottle with you into your practice, however, be aware of how much you are drinking - take small sips because if you overdo it, it can cause discomforts of cramping and bloating. It is also important to good to eat properly after you have worked out. Since this exercise is considered weight bearing protein is really best when it comes to helping your muscles to heal after such a workout.

I would recommend wearing something that is comfortable and not overly loose. The poses you are doing can be a bit complex and overly baggy clothing can get tangled and restrict your movement ability. Fitted but comfortable enough to sweat in is my go to test.

Warm/ Hot Yoga Don’t's

· Moisturize with heavy lotions or Wear perfume
· Eat heavy foods or drink coffee
· Eat within an hour of class
· Conduct other strenuous workouts the same day

It is always good to give your body time to adjust to a new workout routine and to heat.  With any workout it is just important to start somewhere and then stick with it. No one is a natural when they begin a new workout routine.  That said, I also know that gyms or workout facilities are not for everyone. I myself have been somewhat anti-gym for many years. Therefore, if you find yourself not comfortable taking a class – I would recommend the two DVD sets I purchased from Target – they are both from Gaiam – they are short but effective workouts and you can do as much or as little as you can in the comfort of your own home.

When it comes to working out I like to feel prepared, which typically means I like to feel I have the right tools for whatever workout I am doing. Below are just some of the items from brands I love. 

Water Bottle
Takeya Originals 32oz Insulated Stainless Steel Water Bottle with Spout Lid
USD $21.99

Cooling Towel
Mission Enduracool™ Microfiber Instant Cooling Towel
USD $14.99

Socks & Gloves
Gaiam Grippy Gloves
USD $7.99
Gaiam No Slip Black/Gray Yoga Socks (S/M) 
USD $9.99

Yoga Block
Gaiam Tri-Color Yoga Block- Teal
USD $11.99

Yoga Mat
Gaiam 2-Color Premium Yoga Mats (5mm)
USD $29.99

Yoga DVD’s
Gaiam's Ultimate Yoga for Beginners DVD Collection
USD $16.99
Gaiam's Yoga for Belly, & Thighs DVD with Chrissy Carter
USD $12.99

Have you tried warm or hot yoga? What other work out routines do you love?

With Nice Things & Namaste,
