You Don't Have to Be Cruel to be Kind


Nice Thing No. 111

Random Acts of Kindness

Because who could not use a little more kindness in their everyday life?

This thought came about when I was having a particularly trying week - nothing seemed to be going right and the days dragged on with no end in sight.  Then one day a little sunshine found its way into my workday.  A coworker surprised me with a green tea which was totally unexpected and absolutely thoughtful - the reason? the best kind...  no reason at all other than just to be kind.  What a difference that simple act made in my day, my mood and my overall outlook. 

Sometimes it can be challenging to find the good, kind and nice around us when things are hectic, frustrating and sometimes downright ugly.

So open the door for that stranger, compliment someone on their hard work or just offer someone a smile who could really use it. 

As cliche as it may seem, wouldn't a few more kind acts just make the world around us a nicer place to be? I think so. 

Need more inspiration?  Check out the Kindness Ideas from Random Acts of

What acts of kindness have you encountered?
What could you do a little more of to spread more kindness?
Comment Below.

With Nice Things & a Little More Random Kindness, 