Taking a Bite Out of Exercise Snacking

When the weather is nice it is easy to be tempted away from workouts with other distractions.
Lately, I found myself constantly re-arranging my personal training around other activities then someone mentioned to me the idea of daily exercise snacking.

So what is exercise snacking…

Exercise snacking is defined as small frequent bouts of intense exercise throughout your day rather than one gruelling workout session.

Many fitness experts have also said this poses benefits such a regulating your blood sugar throughout the day plus it ensures you are getting your daily recommended amount of exercise.

Below is how I integrated into my routine. Remember this is just a suggestion - there are tons of other examples online.

I myself have tried to implement this technique on days where I have other things on the go and make my overall exercise program more efficient without letting it rule my days. Another added side benefit is that it can become quite addictive I found myself looking forward to my small bouts of exercise throughout the day and they became an earned mini milestones of dedicated time to clear my mind.


I start my day with a brisk 10 minute stationary bike ride or elliptical after breakfast before my pre-work morning routine to get my heart rate up.


Take a walk around the block near my office during my morning and afternoon break.


When I return home from work before dinner I typically do a set of squats (10-15) with a weight and a small core workout with a medicine ball.


Take a 10 minute walk or another 10 minutes on the elliptical before winding down for the night.


I would love to hear from you ….
Have you tried exercise snacking?
What else do you do to keep yourself active?

Can’t wait to hear your thoughts.

Until then – here’s to health, happiness and all the nice things.